Terms of Service and User Agreement

By using this website, you agree with the terms and conditions described below. Do not use Belfx services if you do not agree in full or in part, or if you do not accept any and all of these terms and conditions. Belfx explicitly reserves the right to modify presented terms of service and agreement as it sees serving best to the interests of its users, affiliates and Belfx owners.


Belfx is an investment project of private nature and is not available to general public. Your participation in this project is treated as a private business transaction between you and Belfx and, therefore, is exempt from the U.S. Securities Act, and all similar acts of other jurisdictions.

Belfx is NOT a licensed bank or security. Belfx is not registered with any regulatory bodies, such as SEC, NASD or other similar organizations from other jurisdictions.

All the information you receive from us is unsolicited, private communication of privileged, proprietary, and confidential information intended for you only. You agree to keep it private and not to disclose to any third party unless this information is obviously of a public nature. Moreover, the information, communications and materials contained herein are not to be regarded as an offer, nor a solicitation for investments in any jurisdiction which deems non-public offers or solicitations unlawful, nor to any person to whom it will be unlawful to make such offer or solicitation.


The any trading implies a greater-than-average degree of business risk. Therefore, all prior performance of Belfx is no guarantee of its future performance. Invest only the funds you can afford to lose.

This site is provided as a research and reference tool. Although we make every reasonable effort to ensure that the information, tools and data provided at this site are useful, accurate, and current, we cannot guarantee that the information, tools and data provided here will be error-free. By using this site, you assume all responsibility for and risk arising from your use of and reliance upon the contents of this site.

Information provided on this website is intended to provide its members and visitors with an introduction to financial activity of Belfx and its investment strategies. Nothing on this website should be considered as an investment solicitation, as an offer, or as any type of recommendation or advice, to buy/sell any security in any jurisdiction where otherwise such solicitation or offer would be unlawful. Users per their own discretion, but are strongly encouraged to obtain relevant, professional advice prior to making any investment decisions.

Legal Age

All investors must be legal age in their country to open an account, and in all the cases their minimal age must be 18 years.

Limitation of Liability

Belfx services, all information, software and other materials presented and provided on the website are provided on the "AS IS" and "AS AVAILABLE" basis, WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS AND/OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. We and our suppliers of market data and any and all of the technologies available to us CANNOT BE HELD LIABLE for any and all LOSSES of ANY KIND due to some UNFORESEEN CIRCUMSTANCES beyond our control.

Investment Products

Not all investment products and services may be available at all times and are a subject to "first come, first served" rule. All and every investment product is a subject of various modifications dictated by market conditions with or without prior notice to investors, resulting in higher or lower returns. Every user is eligible for particular financial product and service, but "in advance" individual arrangements may be required in some instances, if highly specific investment needs are sought by the user.

Anti-Spam Policy

All investors must abide by our strict anti-spam rules that prohibit spamming in any of its forms. It is also stipulated that investors can only make posts about Belfx on the websites where such posting is allowed. SPAM violators will be immediately and permanently removed from the program.

Sources of Information

The information on this website is a logical compilation from both internal and external resources. Such information includes various quotes, news articles, and commodities fundamentals research data based on third parties who we believe to be reliable. We use such information for our own purposes and investment decisions and we cannot guarantee the absolute accuracy, timeliness, or completeness of such information for any particular purposes you may be wishing to use it for.

Term of Agreement

This agreement is effective immediately after you have opened an account with us and will be valid till your account is closed.

Entire Agreement

The terms and conditions contained herein constitute the entire agreement between you and Belfx. If any part of this agreement is deemed invalid under applicable law or regulation, such provision shall be deemed omitted to the extent so contrary, prohibited or invalid, but the remainder of the agreement shall not be invalidated.